Wednesday, 16 March 2016

100 things I love (1-50)

1. My Gustav klimt blanket
2. Mum's voice
3. Bats
4. Blake and Maurice
5. When my Dad makes proper tea
6. Drinking water
7. Hot showers
8. Herbal tea
9. Doing impressions of my cats
10. When Sara does impressions of my cats
11. A tidy room
12. The Smell of paint
13. Matching socks
14. Reading on the tube
15. Black coffee in a cardboard cup on a cold day
16. Taking photos on my phone
17. Elephants
18. The Smell.of books
19. Bookshops
20. Chromecast
21. That feeling when your sad and your running hard with loud music
22. Chilli sauce
23. Having multiple messages on WhatsApp from different people
24. Kittens purring
25. The silence when my head is under water
26. Horrible horror movies
27. Bob Dylan
28. Freshly threaded eyebrows
29. Molecule 01
30. When my Dad calls me Sweetie pie
31. Getting someone help at the migrant centre
32. Diet coke
33. Knowing the words to every Lana del Rey song
34. A good collection of Lush shower gels
35. My legs getting skinnier
36. Avocado
37. American horror story
38. Woody harrelson
39. Sleeping with someone I love
40. Velvet dresses
41. Xxxx's on msgs
42. People who offer a bit of their chocolate
43. Applying makeup
44. Anticipation at an art gallery
45. Scented candles
46. Talking to my sister about cats
47. High ceilings
48. My zara scarf
49. Being with my family at Christmas
50. Having a good stretch.

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